Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Three Wire Winter Collection

Thumbnail for "Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Three Wire Winter Collection" collectionThe 22nd issue of Three Wire Winter includes Jay Muhme, Delmar Coyner, Mike Middleton, Ty Zabel, Jerry and Rusty Nay, Elaine Gay, Roger Jensen, Ross Kelly, and Wendy Decker, as well as feature articles on the Volunteer Fire Department and the City Police.

Table of Contents
"They call us volunteers but we're really professionals."
Ty Zabel: Hunting the Ultimate Game Animal
Jerry & Rusty Nay: "I don't think any of us expect to get rich."
Elaine Gay: "I guess just being a rancher's wife was enough for me."
Our Role in the Community - City Police
Wendy Decker: "I like working with animals, it's a type of art."
Oral Histories from Issue #22, Fall 1986
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Elaine Gay Interview, Part 1
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Elaine Gay Interview, Part 1
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Elaine Gay Interview, Part 2
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Elaine Gay Interview, Part 2
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Jerry and Rusty Nay Interview
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Jerry and Rusty Nay Interview
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Mike Middleton Interview
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Mike Middleton Interview
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Rusty Nay Interview
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Rusty Nay Interview
  • Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Wendy Decker Interview
    Issue #22, Fall 1986 - Wendy Decker Interview