Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Three Wire Winter Collection
Table of Contents
Albert Hitchens: "Well, look at this damn old dirt farmer."
"Everything seemed to center around the railroad."
Kenny Nachtman: Snowmobiling
The Vintage Auto Race: "They're just out there for fun."
"Let there be light."
Roger Butler: The Youngest Old Man in the Company
John Fetcher: An Inspiration for our Time
Hazel Henson: "Here I am still going strong."
Art Maijala: "We always loved the woods and worked in them."
Poem: The Old Sawmill by Debbie Girton & Jayne Hill
Oral Histories from Issue #20, Spring 1985
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Albert Hitchens Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Bob Wither Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Dorothy Wither Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Errold Hitchens Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Eunice Dorr Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Hazel Henson Interview Issue #20, Spring 1985 - John Fetcher Interview, Part 1 Issue #20, Spring 1985 - John Fetcher Interview, Part 2 Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Roger Butler Interview, Part 1 Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Roger Butler Interview, Part 2 Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Vernon Summer Interview