Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Three Wire Winter Collection

Thumbnail for "Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Three Wire Winter Collection" collectionThe 2nd issue collection of Three Wire Winter includes oral histories from Ellen Millsap, Minnie Hertzog, Doc Marshall, and Josephine Whitmer.

The magazine features Ellen Millsap, Minnie Hertzog, Lila Allen, Lucy Marshall, Doc Marshall, Curtis Zabel, Lewis Phillips, Dorothy Wither, Josephine Whitmer, and a feature article on Mt. Harris.

Table of Contents
Would you believe...
Ellen Millsap: Let's Go to Colorado
Lila from Egeria Park
Lucy Marshall: "You will have to come by the ranch some time and we'll fish and talk and talk."
Doc Marshall: Wild Horse Catcher & Bronc Buster
Curtis Zabel: Bronzing: Western Art
Mt. Harris: From Routt County Gold to Dust
One Sunday Afternoon
Yampa Kraut King: Lewis Phillips
Dorothy Wither: A Pioneer Childhood
Josephine Whitmer: "It was a very happy time."
Subscribe & "Without You" by Bob Swinehart
Oral Histories from Issue #02, Spring 1976
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Ellen Millsap Interview
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Ellen Millsap Interview
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Minnie (Hibner) Hertzog Interview
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Minnie (Hibner) Hertzog Interview
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lucy Marshall Interview
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lucy Marshall Interview
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lawrence "Doc" Marshall Interview, Part 1
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lawrence "Doc" Marshall Interview, Part 1
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lawrence "Doc" Marshall Interview, Part 2
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Lawrence "Doc" Marshall Interview, Part 2
  • Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Josephine Whitmer Interview
    Issue #02, Spring 1976 - Josephine Whitmer Interview